

“Checkmate” is a comprehensive look Checkmate: The King's Game in the Middle Eastinto the current Middle Eastern political and strategic reality which views the region as a giant chessboard to better understand the relationship between the players. However, in viewing the complexities of the Middle East it is important to understand that strategy is not everything. This is a region of the world where emotions, passions and cultural heritage have played the protagonists’ roles. Considering historical implications, memories both physical and emotional, and the unfortunate consequences of cultural displacements, this essay explores the effects on social identities, which may result in prolonged strife and conflict.

This work does not attempt to be a sociology treatise nor a policy paper. Rather, it is a collection of personal observations and experiences placed in the context of historical events. It focuses on the Middle East, but the concept could be applied to any area of the world. With this book, the author suggests that conflict, in the greater Middle East, cannot be mitigated until Western expectations are modified to include an understanding of the effects that cultural heritage has on regional dynamics. If we wish to understand why we have lost so many lives (and caused the death of many more) with little to no progress towards lasting peace in the Middle East, we need to expand our understanding of cultural heritage to embrace a wider context that today’s Western – and especially the American – culture does not easily provide. It is not necessarily the West’s fault; it is just a natural consequence of beneficial economic development, and secularization.

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Other Books by Gennaro Buonocore

The Afghan Paradox Failure of European Multiculturalism